
11th edition of the Intercollegiate Biotechnology Symposium "Symbiosis"

The entry may contain outdated data.
Warsaw Society of Biotechnology “Symbioza” invites you to participate in the 11th edition of the Intercollegiate Biotechnology Symposium “Symbioza”, dedicated to students and doctoral candidates.

The event will take place from May 10-12th at the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology at Warsaw School of Life Sciences and will be streamed online. The Symposium will be conducted entirely in English.

The Symposium's topics cover biotechnology, biology, bioengineering, bioinformatics, chemistry, chemical technology, chemical engineering, medicine, pharmacy, and environmental studies. 

The program includes: 

  • 6 plenary lectures given by leading scientists from globally renowned institutions:  Prof. Michael Yu (University of Utah, USA), Dr.
  • Aleksandra Kołodziejczyk (International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, Poland), Prof. Lukaš Kratochvil (Charles University, Czechia), Dr. Dagmar Ehrnhöfer (Neuroscience Discovery, AbbVie Deutschland), Dr. Wojciech Buła (University of Tokyo, Japan/ ImmunoTronics, Poland); Prof. Anna Karnkowska (University of Warsaw, Poland), 
  • 2 poster sessions, 
  • 8 oral presentations sessions, 
  • discussion panel,
  • industrial lectures,
  • and much more. 

The registration for active participants ends on the 17th of March.

Fill out the registration form and secure your place: registration/ 

More information about the Symposium can be found on website: 

We would also like to encourage you to join the Facebook event.