Doctoral scholarship

Each person admitted to the UPWr Doctoral School will receive a scholarship for a 4-year period of education, provided that the PhD programme requirements referred to in the Act on Higher Education and Science are met.

The amount of the doctoral scholarship at the UPWr Doctoral School is:
- to the month in which the mid-term evaluation was carried out (years I and II) PLN 
4 680,00 gross (about 1080 Euro decision of the Rector of Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences of of April 19, 2024)
- after mid-term evaluation (3rd and 4th year) in the amount of PLN 5 849.61 gross (about 1350 Euro decision of the Rector of Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences of of April 19, 2024).

PhD scholarships will be tax-exempt, but with social security contributions.
A disabled doctoral student will be able to receive a doctoral scholarship in the amount increased by 30% of the amount prior to the mid-term evaluation.

If a doctoral student is employed as an academic teacher or researcher (after a positive mid-term evaluation) for more than half of the full-time working time, the amount of the scholarship is 40% of the monthly amount of the scholarship following the mid-term evaluation.