
Competition of the Foundation Roman Czernecki (EFC Foundation)

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The EFC Foundation invites you to participate in the competition for the Roman Czernecki.

Only until June 30, you can submit texts about education for the im. Roman Czernecki. The competition is organized by the EFC Foundation for the sixth time.

Prizes in the amount of PLN 10,000 are awarded in three categories:

● scientific (scientific articles and chapters in collective monographs)

● journalistic (articles in the national and local press)

● specialist (articles from practitioners for practitioners)

As the president of the EFC Foundation, Aleksandra Saczuk, says: - "We have created this Award so that education has an important and appropriate place in the public space and that those writing about it - appreciation. We want to give voice to scientists, teachers - we care so that thanks to the competition they are heard. The statuette also goes to the journalistic environment. Publicists are our allies in ensuring that educational topics reach a wider audience.".

The Prize prof. The Roman Czernecki Competition is the only competition in Poland addressed exclusively to authors of works on education. He appreciates those who write with passion, a fresh look and honestly. In their texts, they deal with what is important for students, teachers, parents and the school. They contribute to the understanding of the challenges facing education and show how to address them.

More information on the Foundation's website.