
International Scientific Conference "ONCOPhD"

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We invite you to the International Scientific Conference "ONCOPhD"

We have the honor to invite you to the first edition of the International Scientific Conference "ONCOPhD", which will be held on 20-22.10.2023 at the Medical University of Lublin in hybrid form.

This is the first such conference in which doctoral students, young scientists representing academic centers from all over the world will have the opportunity to present their research results and exchange their own experiences in the field of clinical as well as experimental oncology. The conference aims to integrate primary research with the challenges of everyday clinical practice regarding the diagnosis and treatment of oncology in adults and children.

The papers presented at the Conference can be either original research, clinical case reports, or review. Participants will have an opportunity to choose one of the presentation’s forms: poster or multimedia presentation. The Conference will include thematic block sessions for oral presentations (adult clinical oncology, pediatric clinical oncology, and preclinical research in oncology) and a poster session.

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