
Scholarship program Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt

The entry may contain outdated data.
We invite you to take advantage of the scholarship program for doctoral students who implement projects related to broadly understood environmental protection.

The DBU scholarship program enables young researchers to complete a scientific or professional internship in Germany and is aimed at professional, vocational education of future Polish staff working for the environment. In addition, the program allows you to develop your German language skills, establish valuable industry contacts and gain experience in working in an international environment. It is part of the DBU program for Central and Eastern European countries.

The internship can be completed at universities, research institutes, ministries, enterprises, offices, non-governmental organizations, research and development centers, etc. Based on the submitted application and interview, DBU will propose the most appropriate unit where the project can be implemented. You can also specify such a place yourself.

Scholarship: 1,350 euros per month and tax free, from six to twelve months.

Scholarship duration: The winners initially receive a six-month scholarship, and at the end of this period, they can apply for an extension of their stay for further months (the scholarship can be received for a maximum of one year). Scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis.

Insurance costs: The DBU finances the insurance costs (OC, accident, sickness) in Germany.

Language learning: The intensive German language course is funded by the DBU.

More information can be found on the website of the Environment for Environment Association (associating former grantees of the program) or on the website of the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt.

Importantly, you can apply in English.

The nearest deadline for closing the application system: September 5, 2023 (next call for applications: March 5, 2024)

If you are interested, we invite you to participate in the Webinar on Thursday, August 31, 2023 at 17.00.