
The Committee of Organismal Biology of PAS announces the third edition of competition for the best scientific debut in the area of organismal biology.

The winner receives a distinction in the form of a diploma, which will be awarded to the author or team of authors for whom this is the first significant scientific publication, and the persons entered in the competition were the first author and/or corresponding author.

The object of this competition are publications of young scientists (PhD students) that inaugurate their academic achievements. The aim of the competition is to promote scientific debuts and spread knowledge about the biology of different organisms. Particularly, there will be promoted works on the biology of microorganisms, plants, fungi, animals and humans, their mutual interactions and relations with abiotic and social environment, as well as works in the area of paleobiology.

Applications for the award may be submitted by the scientific supervisors of young researchers no later than January 31 of the calendar year following the year of publication of the scientific work.

More information can be found on the website of the Polish Academy of Sciences.