
The international EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF) conference will be held soon!

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This is a unique event whose aim is to explore the relationships between science and society, the conditions for conducting scientific research and its impact on the environment.

In times of global challenges, we want to discuss science as a factor of change in everyday life, as well as how life changes science, among outstanding personalities representing the worlds of science, business and economy.

The event will take place from June 12 to 15, 2024 in Katowice. The conference is organized by the City of Katowice and partners of the Academic Consortium - Katowice City of Science, in a free, open and available formula for all who are interested in topics related to energy transformation, sustainable environment, cultural identity and social transformation, changes in scientific excellence, healthy society and digital transformation.

I encourage you to take part in this event and the European Talent Fair (EU Talent Fair) initiative, which accompanies the conference and is addressed mainly to young people who plan their future with science and those who are already developing their research career. During the EU Talent Fair, there will be talks about obvious and non-obvious career paths, about the prospects that a scientific career brings for personal development, about the opportunities and challenges related to entering this path of personal development, and about where young people can look for inspiration and support. 

Over 40 activities have been prepared for fair participants: panel discussions, seminars, debates, workshops developing key competences of the future, presentations, inspirations (success stories) and a career counseling zone. The event program was designed to raise issues important for building an individual career development path.

Why is it worth taking part in the EU Talent Fair?

The event is an opportunity to exchange experiences on the opportunities for personal development offered by research, to learn about good practices and success stories in shaping an individual scientific path, both within the university and in sectors key to the economy, the initiative promotes the development of unique knowledge and skills and building a network of professional contacts, which may translate into interesting scientific cooperation and new research projects, the fair is an opportunity to listen to the voice of representatives of the science and higher education, economy and business sectors, learn about the current directions of development of the European research area and establish contacts with inspiring people from Poland and abroad, the event program includes a Career Advisory Zone - a place where you can get advice on planning your development path, learn about the recruitment processes at individual stages of career development and use the service of professional photography for application documents.

More information about the EU Talent Fair can be found on the initiative's website.