
We invite all PhD students to take part in a free online training organized as part of the „Pełnoprawni w nauce” program.

The entry may contain outdated data.
The practical online training was dedicated to doctoral student. PhD students taking part in the training may receive certificates confirming this fact, which can be shown in annual reports.

On behalf of the Training Team of the "Full Rights in Science" project, financed by the National Freedom Institute - Center for Civil Society Development as part of the government program NOWEFIO Civic Initiatives Fund for 2021-2030, we invite you to participate in the training.

The aim of the project of the Polish National Association of Doctoral Candidates „Pełnoprawni w nauce” is to improve the situation of doctoral students with disabilities and foreign doctoral students in terms of respect for their right to education and the right to be active in the life of the academic community through:

  • increased public awareness of the problems faced by the above-mentioned groups in the academic environment;
  • increasing the level of activation of the community of doctoral students with disabilities and foreign doctoral students in local government activities;
  • ensuring forms of support for doctoral students with disabilities in the regulations of doctoral self-governments and doctoral schools;
  • ensuring that the regulations of doctoral self-governments and regulations of doctoral schools are translated into English.

The training will take place on Monday, March 18, 2024 at 6:00 p.m., via the MS Teams platform.

Link to the application form: HERE.

A link to the training will be sent before it starts.