
We invite you to the Festival of Silence as part of the Soundception project

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Participants will have the opportunity to experience changes in the perception of the surroundings - both natural and anthropogenic - depending on the influence of various sound stimuli.

The Soundception Project team (https://soundception.upwr. studies the impact of sound stimuli on the perception of space, using a variety of media and contexts. The aim is to understand how sounds in the urban landscape influence the way we experience and evaluate places, and to determine the relationship between the characteristics of the urban soundscape and the regenerative potential of green areas and the involvement of residents in environmental activities.

From April 3 to 7, 2024, we present this project at the Festival of Silence. Participants will have a unique opportunity to experience various sound situations, discuss the role of sounds in urban space and exchange observations about the audiosphere. As part of the Soundception project conducted by our University, a VR station will be launched. This innovative stand will begin a series of research that will be continued in the Laboratory of Audiosphere and Environmental Acoustics of the University of Life Sciences.

For more information, please visit the event website.

Festival program HERE.