
We invite you to the International PGR Conference (IPGRC) 2024 - Innovation and research impact at the School of Science, Engineering and the Environment, University of Salford

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The conference will be devoted to innovative ideas, methodologies, technological development and the impact of research on various fields. The conference will include 11 sessions.

We encourage you to submit proposals for papers and posters by doctoral students for the sessions described on the organizer's website. The conference will take place on the University of Salford campus and will be available remotely to students outside the University of Salford.

Each session will be hosted by a distinguished researcher together with a doctoral candidate at the University of Salford. If a proposal does not fall under a session category, please note ‘open session’ in the attached application form. For any session-related questions, please contact session chairs directly (for emails see website). Presenters can also publish their papers and posters in the conference proceedings.  
Proposal Submission Date: 1st November 2023 
Acceptance Notification: 15th November 2023 
Full paper submission date (to be included in conference proceedings): 15th February 2024 
Paper/Poster presentation submission date: 15th May 2024 
Submission of proposals: Each proposal should have a title and be 300-words long. Sessions will be 2h long and each speaker will have 20 min to present their paper. Proposal submissions will undergo a review process by session chairs, and a subset of the submitted abstract will receive invitations to submit full papers. These full papers will then undergo peer review for potential inclusion in the conference proceedings. 
Venue information: The conference will take place on Salford University campus and online. 
Conference fee: £85  
To apply, please send the registration form attached by November 1st 2023 to: ipgrc3@salford.