dr hab. inż. (DSc.) Jolanta Dąbrowska
Department of Civil Engineering
e-mail: jolanta.dabrowska@upwr.edu.pl
Analysing the interplay between urban land surface temperature and the grey infrastructure
prof. dr hab. inż. (Prof.) Witold Rohm
Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformatics
e-mail: witold.rohm@upwr.edu.pl
GNSS troposphere observation utilization in weather forecasting - PhD in GNSS for future mega-cities
prof. dr hab. inż. (Prof.) Krzysztof Sośnica
Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformatics
e-mail: krzysztof.sosnica@upwr.edu.pl
Multi-GNSS solutions with stochastic clock modeling
prof. dr hab. inż. (Prof.) Witold Rohm
Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformatics
e-mail: witold.rohm@upwr.edu.pl
New Multi-dimensional Topological Data Structure for Vario-Scale Representation of Spatial Models
prof. dr hab. inż. (Prof.) Krzysztof Sośnica
Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformatics
e-mail: krzysztof.sosnica@upwr.edu.pl
Time-variable Earth's gravity field derived using SLR, GNSS, and GRACE data
Keywords: geodesy, geoinformatics, civil engineering, construction, nano-components, building structures, cartography, satellite measurements, gravimetry, photogrammetry, remote sensing, geodynamics, displacement measurements, deformation research, geotechnics, geospatial engineering, satellite navigation, big data, machine learning, spatial analysis, numerical modeling, geographic information systems, spatial information infrastructure, satellite orbit determination, precise positioning, Earth rotation, Earth's gravitational potential, GNSS meteorology, InSAR, Lidar, data integration, geodetic reference systems, monitoring of the natural environment, infrastructure and structures.